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it was to girls that fel out of a bildin thay had a scarry life back thin
war hawles urges mr modison to start a wasr
an end to war but rot to problum
rumors of war
]1812 when will son shipped the the beef
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1931 congrees voted to make the star
1213 shio hms guerrirer far
Ted the massaging
Sound credits: (ice breaking) (phone ringing)
on September 19,177 Burgoyne and armies met at freedom farm some 10 miles south of Saratoga . when Burgoyne’s attempted to out flank the rebels a detachment led by Bened .The mein leader for the britis was genere john burg.
a strong oppnent or british texation adems help organize
adems served as a lesgor masuttishut
folwing his run with stat
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septembre 27,1722 boston
samul adem was an american statesmen
massachusetts delegate congress
foding farther of united stat
his faher samun adum deacon adums was a politiccs leader
the histry of deerik roes
Finding MLK
My team, the Dallas Cowboys, are going to make it to the Super Bowl. The cowboys have two new college draft pics that will join the team this year. I am also excited about playing my new PS4, my favorite game is Madden 17. I am also excited about playing NBA 17, I also like playing it. I think that 2017 will be a great new start.
port of the ship is a gun tunul.
the name wall of people who dide.
hoiil shdinshnl i like.
the threted hat